After a bright flash of light, the object became gold-colored; it rose in a spiral, the moved off leaving a trail of sparks. The next day B found flattened greenery at the site. Humcat 1954-9 Source: J Chasseigne, FSR Vol. 21 # 2. ...
After a bright flash of light, the object became gold-colored; it rose in a spiral, the moved off leaving a trail of sparks. The next day B found flattened greenery at the site. Humcat 1954-9 Source: J Chasseigne, FSR Vol. 21 # 2. ...
Se fiant au score"faramineux" de plusieurs sortants de province ( 40 % pour André bCHASSEIGNE/b dans le Puy de Dôme ), Michel LAURENT, le responsable ? la vie interne du parti veut m?me croire ? la possibilité de conserver un groupe ...